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Filter subgrid using javascript in Dynamics 365

Filter subgrid using javascript in Dynamics 365. 

Below is JS code which we need to call on + new button of subgrid

Add the below JS using ribbon bench + new button of subgrid

Step 1 : Create your function e.g FilterPartnerInPromotion()
Step 2 :  Call the function on click on + button of subgrid. Follow the below image
Register your webresource and function on ribbon command.

Use case : We have to filter partner grid (Custom Entity ) based on certain feild (Distrubution channel) on promotion (Custom entity ) form

Modify the filter and schema based on your condition. Focus on red highlighted lines fetch xml and layout xml you can put based on your use case.
// to filter promotion
function FilterPartnerInPromotion() {
try {
var entityName =;
if (entityName == "zh_promotion") {  // to check filter is only on this entity you can remove
var viewId = "{72A70595-C721-4400-8D9B-1612E2A570DE}";   //view id of lookup view of entity to be filtered
var PromotionDistrubutionChannel = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("zh_promotionchannel").getValue();
if (PromotionDistrubutionChannel != null) {
var subgridLookup = Xrm.Page.getControl("lookup_Partner");  // Important it will always be lookup_YourEntityName not schema name 
subgridLookup.addPreSearch(function () {
var fetchxml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" +
"<entity name='zh_partner'>" +
"<attribute name='zh_name' />" +
"<attribute name='zh_individualcianumber' />" +
"<attribute name='zh_groupcia' />" +
"<attribute name='zh_distributionchannel' />" +
"<attribute name='zh_partnerid' />" +
"<order attribute='zh_name' descending='false' />" +
"<filter type='and'>" +
"<condition attribute='zh_distributionchannel' operator='eq' value='" + PromotionDistrubutionChannel + "' />" +
"</filter>" +
"<link-entity name='zh_partner' from='zh_partnerid' to='zh_groupcia' visible='false' link-type='outer' alias='a_e3e60fcc0147e811a95a000d3a828e95'>" +
"<attribute name='zh_individualcianumber' />" +
"</link-entity>" +
"</entity>" +
var layout = "<grid name='resultset' object='1' jump='name' select='1' icon='1' preview='1'>" +
"<row name='result' id='zh_partnerid'>" +
"<cell name='zh_name' width='200' />" +
"<cell name='zh_individualcianumber' width='200' />" +
"<cell name='zh_distributionchannel' width='200' />" +
"<cell name='zh_groupcia' width='200' />" +
"</row>" +
subgridLookup.addCustomView(viewId, "zh_partner", "Partner Lookup View", fetchxml, layout, true);
catch (err) {
WriteToErrorLog(err.message, "FilterPartnerInPromotion", "zh_UpdateQuoteFeilds");

RESULTS: After you click + the search. You can see my subgrid is filtered based on promotion channel. Cheers :-)



  1. hi can it be possible istead + button click directly in subgrid list it will show related records ?

  2. In case entity contact lookup is there so here based on lookup value related case list should show in subgrid in case entity,We can use quick view form as well but i need to use script side .


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